Announcement of Opening of 2010-11 Competition

EMBARGOED UNTIL: 12.01am Thursday 11th March 2010 APPOINTMENT AS QUEEN’S COUNSEL: 2010-11 COMPETITION ANNOUNCED The Selection Panel for appointing Queen’s Counsel has announced today that it is inviting applications from barristers and solicitors with Higher Courts advocacy rights for appointment as Queen’s Counsel from Thursday 11th March 2010. From Thursday 11th March 2010, the application form and guidance for applicants will be available on the Selection Panel’s website . The deadline for receipt of applications is 5 pm on Thursday 22nd April 2010. On current expectations the outcome of the applications is likely to be announced in the early […]

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Sir David Keene Appointed to Selection Panel

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 09 MARCH 2010 PRESS RELEASE FROM BAR COUNCIL AND LAW SOCIETY ON APPOINTMENT OF SIR DAVID KEENE TO QUEEN’S COUNSEL SELECTION PANEL SIR DAVID KEENE APPOINTED TO QUEEN’S COUNSEL SELECTION PANEL Sir David Keene, a retired Lord Justice of Appeal, has been appointed to the Queen’s Counsel Selection Panel, replacing Sir Paul Kennedy, as the judicial member of the independent panel, which assesses applicants for the position of Queen’s Counsel. The award of Queen’s Counsel is given to those who demonstrate excellence in advocacy in the higher courts, following objective assessment by the Panel. The selection panel […]

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