Sarabjit Singh QC, one of the new silks appointed in 2018, was theson of immigrants from a farming community in Punjab, India. Hesays it was a familiar story: his parents both worked in factorieswhen they first arrived in Britain in the 1970s, Sarabjit’s father laterworking as a cab driver, then both parents putting in long hours inrunning a corner shop. By the age of just 14, Sarabjit had already decided that he wanted tobecome a barrister – because he “loved a good argument” and “using language to persuadepeople”. He regularly challenged whatever adults – including teachers – told him if […]
Nicholas Khan QC was one of two employed advocates appointedto silk in the 2017 competition, and the first lawyer to be appointedwhile working in a European Union institution. Nicholas was calledto the Bar in 1983 and has practised almost exclusively in the fieldof European law, both in private practice at the Bar in London andfor many years now as a member of the legal service of theEuropean Commission. He has worked on a wide range of subjectsbut in recent years his work has principally been in the field ofcompetition law, advising on and defending decisions involving household names (e.g.Microsoft, Intel […]