Anya Proops was one of twenty five women appointed silk in the 2015/16 Competition, alongside eighty two male colleagues. Anya specialises in information rights, media, public and employment law and she is described in the Legal Directories as “tenacious”, “a fierce advocate in court’ and “the outstanding junior counsel of choice for both the Information Commissioner and private clients across the full range of issues in information law”. She is also a formidable advocate on behalf of her female colleagues in seeking the development of a QC application process which recognises the particular challenges which many female barristers face in taking […]
Dr Simon Fox QC works across the country from his base in the Bristol office of No5 Chambers and he was in the London offices off Fleet Street when I met him to talk about his experience of the Queen’s Counsel competition. We began by talking about how and why he had transferred from medicine to law. Perhaps surprisingly, Simon said that the decision to give up medicine had not been difficult. He had qualified at the young age of 23 and had soon realised that medicine would not be the career for him, although he was keen to still […]