The agreed Process provides for a Complaints Committee to consider concerns or complaints about the operation of the system.  Although there is no appeal against the decision of the King’s Counsel Selection Panel in any individual case, an applicant who has concerns or complaints about the procedures followed in his or her case may take the matter up with the Complaints Committee.

The Complaints Committee is independent of the King’s Counsel appointment process.  Its role is to consider complaints raised by an applicant about the way in which the Selection Panel and the Secretariat have handled the application, or concerns that the Selection Panel has not applied its procedures properly in that case.  Its purpose is not to re-open or re-consider the application, nor to substitute its opinion or judgement for that of the Selection Panel.  This approach has been endorsed by the Bar Council and the Law Society.

Any concern about the way in which your application has been handled should be raised as soon as practicable with the Secretariat or the Chair of the Panel.  If the matter cannot be resolved by them, a reference to the Complaints Committee may then be appropriate.

The Complaints Committee will consider complaints arising from a particular competition for appointment as King’s Counsel after the end of that competition. Any complaint about the way in which the Selection Panel and the Secretariat have handled the application, or concerns that the Selection Panel has not applied its procedures properly, should be raised no later than 60 calendar days following the public announcement of the applicants to be appointed King’s Counsel.

The report of the Complaints Committee for 2023 can be downloaded here.

Click here to download a copy of the procedure under which the Complaints Committee considers complaints.

Complaints to the Complaints Committee should be sent to with the subject title ‘KC Complaint’.

Complaints to the Complaints Committee must be raised in writing no later than 60 calendar days following the announcement of the outcome of the competition to which the complaint relates.

If you require further information, please contact the Chief Executive of KCA, Hannah Miller, or other KCA  staff on 0207 831 0020 or email
